Star Wars: The Force Awakens opened in theaters this weekend and we went and watched it in 3D. It was great, but one scene especially gave me chills and resonated deep within me. Don't read this if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to read spoilers.
In the scenes prior Rey admits that she thought that Luke, Jedis and the Force were all myths. When she met Hans, she was told that no, it wasn't a myth but real. Later Rey was captured by Kylo, who had gone to the Dark Side. He had her chained up and was trying to get in her mind and she was resisting. Instead she realized that she could get in HIS mind. And told him that he was afraid. This angers him and he leaves her chained by her wrists and ankles and guarded by a Stormtrooper. She realizes that the Force is REAL, and IN her. Rey, in a step of faith, tries out her new found knowledge and, in a voice barely louder than a whisper, tells the Stormtrooper "You will release me, leave the room and leave the door open." She gets braver and says it again, louder. The Stormtrooper hears and answers "I will not release you." She says it again, even louder. He walks over to her and in a mocking voice replies, "you are nothing but scavenger scum." She gets quiet for moment, you can almost feel her inner turmoil. But then you can see it in her eyes, as she sets her resolve that the Force is real and she has the power within her. She loudly exclaims, "You will release me" and the Stormtrooper replies, "I will release you" and proceeds to do all she commands.
This is when I started to wonder if I was in the movie theater or in church! So many of us go through life hearing stories of miracles done by using the Force (Holy Spirit). But so many think it is just old stories, passed down through the generations, just a myth. Someone comes along and shares with us their personal story (Hans Solo) and by their testimony shares that it isn't a myth, but that the Force is real. Satan (Kylo) can capture us in battle, chain us up and try to get in our head. But with the Belt of Truth and Helmet of Salvation, activated by the Force within us we can resist. As Rey resisted Kylo getting in her head but instead told Kylo what he was scared of, we also know that Satan is afraid because he knows how the story ends. Knowing that truth didn't set Rey completely free though. She was still bound and still guarded by her demons, the Stormtrooper. She didn't give up and accept her bondage. She gathered the strength of the Force within her and fought the only way she could while being bound, with her words. She spoke, outloud, telling him what he would do. Even when he told her no, then proceeded to mock her, telling her she was a nobody and worthless and he would never set her free, she didn't give up. She paused, but pressed on. Continuing to speak, more boldy, the truth of her freedom. To speak of those things that don't yet exist, as though they do. Much like Abraham did in Romans 4:17 "in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did." The end result was the Force grew stronger with her faith and she was released from her chains. Kylo was extremely upset over this and sent a lot of troopers to go find her, because he knew that as she realized the power of the Force in her, she would get stronger and could eventually defeat them completely. And later in the movie she did have a fierce battle with Kylo. Backward, forward, slashing and fighting. Much like in our life, we can speak the truth, break the bonds but that doesn't exempt us from the fight.
And even after winning the fierce battle, she know there are more battles to come, so goes and seeks a Jedi (Luke) that has the Force strong within him and many years of experience and can train/mentor her so that the Force becomes stronger in her on her own journey.
Much like Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." And 2 Timothy 2:2 "What you have heard me say in front of many people, you must teach to faithful men. Then they will be able to teach others also." Proverbs 9:9 "Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more."
Another scene that resonated within me was the love of Hans Solo for his son, despite the choices his son made, Hans loved him with an unfailing love. Much like the love of our Heavenly Father.
If you like Star Wars, even if its just a tiny bit, you should watch this movie and see what allegories you notice while watching it.
Sometimes sermons come from the most unexpected places....