Sunday, January 24, 2010

Changing the World - One Person at a Time

Today at church the service was on Nehemiah (session 3).  I have to admit, I was zoning in and out pretty badly during church.  But Nehemiah is one person, who changed his world.  At the end of the service they had a family come up and share about their recent adoption.  They just adopted a son (they already had three children of their own) from Ethiopia.  The mom was talking about how there are 147 million orphans in the world.  147 MILLION!!  That number can seem so overwhelming.  And as often happens when things are overwhelming, we end up choosing to do nothing at all.  But this family knew that they couldn't change the lives of all 147 million, but they did have the ability to change the life of one.  They showed some video of them at the airport bringing their new little son home.  Plus it just so happened that they sat two rows in front of us during church so I had already sat there making faces and grinning at this little fellow.  To then imagine him orphaned and starving, suffice to say, it was moving.  Everyone in the family, including the little guy, had on t-shirts that said "147 Million" on the front and on the back they said, "Minus 1."  He told us it might not be adoption for all of us, it may be something entirely different.  We were encouraged, that though we may not be a person that changes the whole world, we CAN change the lives of at least one.

 Fast forward to this afternoon.  LeAnne and I headed to the mall to get out for a bit since there wasn't much else to do with all the rain.  Afterward we stopped to get some gas.  I pulled up behind this guy who was pacing, on his cell phone and had his gas cap open.  I get out to pump my gas and hear God speak to me.  Not audibly, but very clearly.  Don't get me wrong, it isn't like I've never heard Him speak to me, but typically it is in a more generic fashion.  Help someone today, don't do that, you get the idea...  But this time it was specific.  "That man is out of gas and I want you to go over there and put some in his car for him."  My first response was "Uh God, I only have enough for half of what I normally put in my own vehicle and if you don't know, I don't get paid again until NEXT weekend."  But it was way to clear and specific for me to ignore.  While I'm pumping my gas I watch him walk over and talk to a younger lady and she just shook her head and turned away.  He continues pacing.  I finish pumping my gas and close my gas cap.  With a deep breath I say "Ok God, not sure why or what exactly this is about, but I'm going to obey."  As I start to walk over to him I shout out, "hey, do you need some gas or something?"  Not very original, but I'm a little out of my comfort zone at this point.  He starts desperately trying to tell me that he lives in Athens and accidentally left his money home and can he borrow some money.  I tell him that I don't have any cash, and before I can explain I see his face just fall.  Quickly I explain that I will, however, go put some gas into his car.  Walk over to his car, swipe my card in the gas pump and I began pumping gas.  He profusely thanked me and I told him to please just pass it on.  He said he would, hopped in his car and drove off.  I probably should have taken the opportunity to tell him about the Lord and that God told me to put gas in his car, but I didn't.  I pray that he was able to see God work through me through my actions, even if I didn't say it.  Got back in my truck and had the great opportunity to explain what had just happened to my daughter, who had sat in the truck watching the whole time.  She may not be able to change the whole world either, but now she knows it IS possible to change something for someone around you.  Even if it is for a stranger that you will never see again.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Hannah! Way to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and make a difference in the life of not only this man..but your child as well! And thanks to God..for being so Awesome!!!
