Thursday, September 8, 2016

Judgement and Grace

August 19, 2016

Four very drunk, totally naked women (around my age), drinking vodka and orange juice and being loud in one of my community pools, belligerently refusing to get dressed or leave is how I started my day at 7:30 this morning.

Honestly of your first thoughts is what is wrong with those women, or some other judgemental thought. Am I right? I know it was mine, right up there with seriously, this is how my Friday is going to be?!

Then God started whispering to me, what are you judging them over? 

Me: um, first off they are drinking and drunk way too early in the morning 

God: and who gets to determine that being drunk early is way worse than being drunk at night? 

Me: ouch. Ok, so they are naked and acting inappropriately. 

God: and you have never done that? Maybe not the naked part, but have you ever lost your inhibitions and acted inappropriately?

Me: wellll, this one time... but they broke the pool rules, the pool doesn't open until 8. 

God: I seem to remember you and a guy getting busted for breaking into a community pool after hours one time. 

Me: that was a long time ago 

God: and? 

Me: ... Dear God, please forgive my judgemental attitude. Thank you for showing me that they just need You. Give me grace and wisdom in dealing with these kinds of situations (and thank you for our wonderful local cops). And for reminding me of all that You have forgiven me. Help me focus on becoming more like You, and to use Your Word as my standard. Not focusing on others or using them to measure whether or not my moral compass is correct.

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