Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jon and Kate plus 8

Last night I watched the final episode of TLC's show Jon and Kate plus 8.  The season ended unexpectedly and sadly due to the divorce of Jon and Kate.  I watched it curiously but not planning on it to be emotional for me.  It is just a tv show.  But as I watched last night, it was more then a show, it was a family that has been irrepairably broken.  Those kids spent their whole lives in the spotlight and with their parents doting on them and was just such a close, family orientated unit.  For all of them, but especially for the children, their lives will never be the same.  As it ended, as Kate sat there wiping tears, I felt very sad for all of them.  I know how close eight siblings can be, I'm the oldest of eight.  So as the show ended, in the midst of the sadness, I suddenly felt so very, very grateful for my parents.  Last week they celebrated their 36th anniversary!!  Mike and Pam plus 8....still going strong! 
Thank you Mom and Dad!  I love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord's grace has been mighty in our lives! Our lives together have not been without storms and bumps, but, as you have so often pointed out, the Lord used them as we have yielded to the grace He gave. We are certainly trophies of His grace.

    Thank you for grateful words! It's nice to hear it. :-) An encouragement to your dad and me, both.
