Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Wrap-Up

Wednesday night was our Esther Bible study night.  We met at Starbucks to discuss this week's homework.  There were only four of us that were able to make it, but it was kind of nice like that.  We all had a chance to talk and I felt like with that size we got to know each other a little bit better.  Plus, the seasonal drinks were out and I got my egg nog latte.  Sweet!  Ah, the joys of the little things in life.

Whoo hoo...had another date night this week.  A girl could get used to this!  We met after work on Thursday for sushi and Mai Tais at our favorite sushi place.  We didn't stay long, but was nice just to meet up and chill out a bit before heading home.  We are trying to connect more on a different level then just the fact that we parent the same kids.

Friday morning he called and had finally actually looked at the on-call list at work and lo and behold, he is on call this weekend and upcoming week.  That shot our plans for a weekend in Savannah.  So Saturday morning I woke up ready to seize the opportunity to do some much needed, major cleaning.  Got right to it but after a couple of hours I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my lower back.  Not talking just "ouch, it hurts", but crippling type of pain.  Nothing seemed to help...meds, ice pack, resting, etc.  I totally lost my cool at one point because it was like mom is out, whoo hoo, we don't have to do anything else!  Made me feel like no one cared about helping and actually being a part of the family.  But after my little melt down, I guess they got the point because they quickly jumped up to help, and actually ended up being quite a big help.  I tried to get up and do something in the afternoon but the pain was so bad I just laid back on the sofa and was trying not to cry.  Both kids came over to me and on their own, they each grabbed a hand and took turns praying out loud for me.  A very touching moment.  Ron cooked dinner for us, it was so good!  Mahi mahi, steamed broccoli with cheese, homemade mashed potatoes (LeAnne peeled them all!), and from scratch, fried cornbread Johnny cakes.  Then around midnight, just as we were about to head to bed, the on-call phone rings.  An apartment building in downtown Atlanta had lost power to part of the complex so he had to go.  It was after 3 am before he made it back home.  Well of course then he was super tired.  So Sunday morning comes and I know I have GOT to make it to the grocery store as we had nothing to eat, unless pickles and eggs count, because that was pretty much all that was left!  LeAnne went with me so she could grab the items I pointed out and put them in the cart.  I almost rode the little battery operated shopping carts, but didn't.  Might have been fun  About half way through I was hurting so bad that I started sweating and just stopped and leaned all the way over into the cart, never was able to stand up the whole time I shopped, just kind of hunched over the cart and shuffled my way through the aisles.  (Had my coupons though and saved $44.77!)  Thankfully, the bag boy loaded the groceries for me.  The kids unloaded and put away when I got home.  That totally wiped me out, was back with my ice pack!  Rested most of the day and then was feeling a little bit better while ago.  My mother-in-law is awesome and for Halloween, since we couldn't be there, she had sent each of us a gift card to Bruster's.   So, we decided to go get dessert.  Took Barkley with us and they give these free doggie treats there if you bring your dog.  So all of us, including Barkely, got some ice cream.  They put vanilla in this little bowl for him and put a little doggy milk bone on top.  The kids thought that was the coolest thing and Barkley licked it clean, not a DROP left!  I think it was his first time getting ice cream.

Well, it's almost bed time for the kids and then I'm going to go soak in the hottest water I can manage and hope I can make it through work tomorrow.  Guess I'll be taking a break from the gym this week.  Though I sure need it after sitting on my backside for the majority of the last two days doing nothing other then eating! 

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