Monday, November 2, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up

Third time is the charm, right???  Because my computer is NOT playing nicely and this is my third, yes third, try at updating this thing tonight!  So here is our family news for this past week...

Earlier this week my husband and a friend applied and received their business license.  Honestly, this kind of freaks me out!  I like the security of a "real" job, regular paychecks, health insurance, etc, etc.  Yet at the same time, it is kind of exciting.  When we married we both wanted to own our own business.  At that point our dream was to own a 1-hour photo lab (we met at work at a photo lab).  Really glad that life didn't go that direction as the digital age has just about killed that business.  But even before the digital stuff really hit big we knew that wasn't going to cut it, so he packed away his Commercial/Industrial Photography degree and went back to school.  Here we are 13 years later and he still dreams of eventually being his own boss, and this was the first tangible step in that direction.  I have a feeling this is going to be quite the adventure, so much stuff to learn and do and so many unknowns.

Wednesday night was our Esther Bible study night.  It was video night so we watched as Beth Moore led us deeper into the story of Esther. (Esther 4:1-14)  Our sentance this week was "It's tough being a woman thrown a giant-size weight."

Friday night LeAnne and I went shopping and got the rest of her Girl Scout uniform. (the pants, shirt and green socks) Now we just need troup numbers and some little stuff like that.  I'm hoping to get her vest totally "official" before the end of December so I can put a pic of her wearing it in her 5th grade tribute ad in her yearbook. 

Saturday, a major red letter day for the kiddos!  With Halloween falling on a Saturday I had to contend with the "how early can we go?" question most of the afternoon.  They along with their two best buds were finally dressed up and ready to get their sugar high by 6 pm.  The two boys were storm troopers (StarWars) and the two girls were in long, crushed velvet dresses, one as a vampiress and one as a wizardess.  We took them to the mall to trick or treat there but it was a madhouse!  So we hit the neighborhoods instead...three of them to be exact!  It was a lot of fun though, we followed along in the truck and when they got tired they hopped on the tailgate for a breather.  It misted some on and off, but not enough to damper the fun!  On a side note...I am continuing to learn the whole "" thing and saved $42 at the grocery store Saturday morning! I've managed to cut our grocery bill down by a third this past month.  And should do better as my coupon stash grows.

Sunday, the kiddos and I headed to a camp about an hour and a half from here.  Each November a family reunion (my dad's side) is held there.  It isn't our closer family one that is held in March for my Grandaddy's birthday, but quite the extended family!  My daughter was like, "Wow, I didn't know we had this many relatives!"  We hadn't been in about 3 or 4 years.  Anyway, they have a lake there and we had fun canoeing and riding the paddle boats and the kids got to see their grandparents, great-grandparents and some cousins.  Was happy to get another four-generation pic of my granddaddy, dad, myself and my kids.

Tonight we had the parent meeting for the new Girl Scout troup.  Before the night was over, I ended up joining as a troup leader (co-leader, helper, etc).  Will have a training meeting Thursday week and then just waiting on my background check to get completed.  However, I steadfastly continue to refuse to be the "cookie mom!!"  Famous last words, huh?  I hope not!

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