Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009!

We spent this year at home for Christmas...and boy, it was nice!  No driving out of town, no packed itineraries, no rushing from place to place, just Ron, myself and the kiddos spending more family time together then we have in ages. Wednesday, the 23rd, after work I took the kids to see a live Nativity scene in Bethlehem, GA.  We had done that once before right after we moved up here, but it had been years.  Some friends met us out there and we had hot chocolate and enjoyed watching the performance. (note: the one at Lake Lanier lights is better though)  As we were getting ready to leave, LeAnne tripped on a curb and scratched up her face, bent and scratched her glasses, scraped her knee and busted her lip.  Poor thing.

Thursday, Christmas Eve, I was off work all day.  The first time in a couple of years.  So LeAnne and I went to the grocery store and bought stuff for Christmas baking and dinner.  Came home and baked a pumpkin pie and a pecan pie.  I had never baked a pumpkin pie before (his mom normally makes him one in Albany, so I've never bothered).  Wasn't sure how it would turn out but Ron said it was the best pumpkin pie he has ever had!  Ron got off of work in time for us all to go to the Christmas Eve service at New Community.  They had communion and real candles for the candle light service.  I don't think I've been to a real candle light service before and I know it was the first time for the kids.  It was also the first time that we, as a family, had ALL taken communion together.  That night after the kids were in bed we wrapped the last of the presents and stuffed the stockings.

Friday, Christmas Day.  Told the kids to stay in their rooms until 7 am and we would come and get them then.  LeAnne was up and waiting, we had to wake James Stephen up.  But he woke up quickly and was excited.  Everyone had fun opening presents, even Barkley.  I got a pink Nike gym bag, two books, a silver Pandora snowman charm, a gift certificate for a deluxe mani/pedi and a whole bunch of stuff to keep in my gym bag (like body spray, antibacterial wipes, travel deo, Zone bars, travel lotion, pedometer, etc).  I could tell Ron put a lot of thought into my gifts this year, and I have to admit, I was impressed that he thought of the spa gift card.  He has never gotten me anything like that before.  I hope he enjoys his massage gift certificate I got him.  (the rest of his stuff was tools)  After all the presents were opened we made a pancake, egg and bacon breakfast.  The kids got large remote control cars and we went into the cul-de-sac and raced those for a while.  Ron bought us all a remote controlled helicopter, supposedly from Barkley.  But it quickly became apparent that he bought it for himself..LOL.  We all got family games from "Santa."  Ron had beginners luck on Yahtzee and beat me.  Lunch was BLT's.  Spent more of the afternoon watching The Christmas Story and playing with everything.  For dinner we grilled steak and lobster tails along with baked potatoes, steamed broccoli and crescent rolls.  This was the first time the kids each got their own lobster tail.  We used our Christmas plates and candles.  Afterward we all piled on the sofas and just chilled out, the kids in their new Snuggies.  No one really wanted the day to end and we stayed up super late.

Saturday, December 26.  Woke up with my cold/sinus crud being worse so went to the pharmacy and got my antibiotics filled.  Then we all went shopping, the kids had money burning holes in their pockets, but everything they wanted was sold out.  Had lunch at Chipotle. Spent more family time together.  Chris came over and he and Ron installed a new toilet in our master bathroom.  The earlier showings of Avatar in 3D were sold out so after Chris left, we went to the 10 pm showing.  LeAnne brought her Snuggie and within 45 minutes was sound asleep wrapped up in it, with her 3D glasses on.  She was so cute curled up in that chair.  It was 1 am before the movie ended.  I told Ron it reminded me of Matrix meeting some environmentalist.  He called it a tree hugger movie.  My favorite part was the glowing plants.  Overall, it wasn't what I had expected though.  Woke LeAnne up, she said something about "tomorrow" and we said, "It is tomorrow!"  We all laughed at the look on her face.

Sunday, December 27.  We slept in due to the fact that it was "tomorrow" already when we got home from the movie.  I went to the gym while Ron and LeAnne spent some more time racing the cars.  That afternoon she and I had eye appointments.  We both got some new glasses.  Hers, of course, are to wear all the time, we shall see how often I wear mine.  I don't particularly care for how I look in them.  They should come in sometime next week.  Came home and we took down the Christmas tree, wreath and all the other decorations and got it all back into the attic.  Knew we would be out of town over New Years, which is when I normally take the stuff down, so went ahead and did it.  It was so nice to be home all weekend and have the family time that we did. 

Happy Birthday, Jesus!  Thanks for coming to earth to save us and make us part of Your family.  If our long weekend of family time here was so nice and relaxing, I can't imagine what a celebration we all will have in heaven with God our Father!

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