Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas in Albany

We went down to Albany on Saturday.  Had lunch with Ron's Granddaddy Cannon at the classic "old people" place to eat....Quincy's.  Dinner was at his grandparent's, the Wingate's and we got to see the newest addition to the family, Langston Spring, born two weeks ago.  We had Christmas with the Stewart's on Saturday night.  My mother-in-law even got our dog a present!  It was a lot of fun and then my sister-in-law and I went riding around looking at Christmas lights.  There is this one guy in Albany that has displayed a convertible with a waving Santa Claus in it and lights and music every year, this was his 50th year!  It made me feel like a kid again to see it!

Sunday morning we stopped by my grandparents, the Sheek's.  Then off to Leesburg to see my brother, Jonathan, and his girlfriend, Katie.  Our last stop of the weekend was my parents.  My mom organized a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party for all the grandkids.  All seven of them were there and they did crafts, had "Happy Birthday Jesus" plates, cups and cake and she read the Christmas story to them.  It was a great way to remind all the kids the real reason for the season.

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhhh....I remember the waving Santa in the convertible!! Good memories! Didn't know there were any Quincy's still around either.
